Supported by:

Fundación Banco Santander


Gioachino Rossini

The Turk in Italy

31 May, 23 - 12 Jun, 23

Il Turco in Italia

Musical Conductor: Giacomo Sagripanti | Stage Director: Laurent Pelly | Principal Chorus and Orchestra of the Teatro Real

31 May 23


12 Jun 23

Last performance



Laurent Pelly transposes the story of Il turco in Italia to the melodramatic universe of the fotonovelas of the 1940s. The protagonist, Fiorilla, a free, feminist and daring woman, singular in the lyric repertoire of the 19th century, marks the events of a score vindicated by the quality of its music and the modernity of the themes that underlie the libretto of this opera buffa. A modern proposal that involves us in the life of a play that takes place within another play, making us have fun trying to decipher the line between the real and the fantastic.

Following the example of Stravinsky’s Pulcinella, Ottorino Respighi retrieved the music of Rossini for his ballet La Boutique fantasque in 1919. Likewise, three years later, Igor Stravinsky composed his opera Mavra inspired by the opera buffa of Rossini. Nevertheless - and in keeping with his autobiography - it was probably Alfredo Casella, who was the first important composer to see the “Swan” of Pésaro with eyes of the 20th century. In effect, it is almost impossible to not recognise in the libretto of Il turco in Italia similar premises which made Luigi Pirandello, also around 1920, a vanguard figure of theatre. In other words:  the modernity which Respighi, Stravinsky or Casella were intent on finding, had already been discovered a century before by Rossini.

Il turco in Italia, with its six characters in search of an author, its creative poet and a scintillating score, is a predestined tasty morsel for Laurent Pelly. The acclaimed and experienced master of comedy whom we have admired in La Fille du Régiment, Falstaff and Viva la mamma!, among other titles,  will direct the staging of this hilarious comedy in a new production which promises to become, once again, a classic.

Dramma buffo in two acts

Music by Gioachino Rossini (1792-1868)

Libretto by Felice Romani, based on the homonymous work by Caterino Mazzolà

Premiere at the Teatro alla Scala de Milán el 14 August 1814

Premiere at the Teatro Real

New production of the Teatro Real, en coproducción con la Ópera de Lyon  y el New National Theatre Tokyo

Artistic team

Musical Conductor | Giacomo Sagripanti

Stage Director and Costume Designer | Laurent Pelly

Costume Collaborator | Jean-Jacques Delmotte

Stage Designer | Chantal Thomas

Chorus Director | Andrés Máspero


Selim | Alex Esposito - 31 may; 2, 4, 6, 9, 12 jun    

            Adrian Sampetrean - 1, 3, 7, 11 jun 

Fiorilla | Lisette Oropesa - 4, 6, 9, 12 jun

              Sara Blanch - 31 may; 2, 7, 11 jun

              Sabina Puértolas - 1, 3 jun

Don Geronio | Misha Kiria - 31 may; 2, 4, 6, 9, 12 jun

                        Pietro Spagnoli - 1, 3, 7, 11 jun

Don Narciso | Edgardo Rocha - 31 may; 2, 4, 6, 9, 12 jun

                       Anicio Zorzi Giustiniani - 1, 3, 7, 11 jun

Prosdocimo Poet | Florian Sempey - 31 may; 2, 4, 6, 9, 12 jun

                                 Mattia Olivieri - 1, 3, 7, 11 jun

Zaida | Paola Gardina - 31 may, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12 jun

            Chiara Amarù - 1, 3, 7, 11 jun

Albazar | Pablo García-López

Principal Chrorus and Orchestra of the Teatro Real

* The soprano Lisette Oropesa is suffering from a flu that prevents her from performing at the premiere on 31 May 2023. For this reason, on the performances of 31 May, 1, 2 and 3 June, the role of FIORILLA will be played by sopranos Sara Blanch (31 May and 2 June) and Sabina Puértolas (1 June and 3 June)
  • Door opening: 1 hour before the performance
  • Act I: 1 hour and 26 minutes
  • Interval: 25 minutes
  • Act II: 1 hour and 10 minutes

Il turco in Italia, de Gioachino Rossini

Programa de mano

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  • Date/hour
  • Space
  • Cast
  • Subscription ticket

31 May 2023


Main Auditorium

Alex Esposito, Sara Blanch, Mischa Kiria , Edgardo Rocha, Florian Sempey, Paola Gardina
Subscription tickets E

01 June 2023


Main Auditorium

Adrian Sâmpetrean, Sabina Puértolas, Pietro Spagnoli, Anicio Zorzi Giustiniani, Mattia Olivieri, Chiara Amarù
Subscription tickets D

02 June 2023


Main Auditorium

Alex Esposito, Sara Blanch, Mischa Kiria , Edgardo Rocha, Florian Sempey, Paola Gardina
Subscription tickets C

03 June 2023


Main Auditorium

Adrian Sâmpetrean, Sabina Puértolas, Pietro Spagnoli, Anicio Zorzi Giustiniani, Mattia Olivieri, Chiara Amarù
Subscription tickets F

04 June 2023


Main Auditorium

Alex Esposito, Lisette Oropesa, Mischa Kiria , Edgardo Rocha, Florian Sempey, Paola Gardina
Subscription tickets W

06 June 2023


Main Auditorium

Alex Esposito, Lisette Oropesa, Mischa Kiria , Edgardo Rocha, Florian Sempey, Paola Gardina
Subscription tickets A

07 June 2023


Main Auditorium

Adrian Sâmpetrean, Sara Blanch, Pietro Spagnoli, Anicio Zorzi Giustiniani, Mattia Olivieri, Chiara Amarù
Subscription tickets V

09 June 2023


Main Auditorium

Alex Esposito, Lisette Oropesa, Mischa Kiria , Edgardo Rocha, Florian Sempey, Paola Gardina
Subscription tickets G

11 June 2023


Main Auditorium

Adrian Sâmpetrean, Sara Blanch, Pietro Spagnoli, Anicio Zorzi Giustiniani, Mattia Olivieri, Chiara Amarù
Subscription tickets X

12 June 2023


Main Auditorium

Alex Esposito, Lisette Oropesa, Mischa Kiria , Edgardo Rocha, Florian Sempey, Paola Gardina
Subscription tickets B

Cultural activities


What's OnGayarre Hall

Ponemos el foco sobre la producción de Il Turco in Italia con algunos de sus protagonistas. 





Ciclo de cine

What's OnFundación SGAE

El narrador a escena | Junio






What's OnIstituto Italiano di Cultura di Madrid

El metateatro en la ópera y dramaturgia italianas | Mayo 






What's OnMuseo Cerralbo

Concierto de cumpleaños del XVII Marqués de Cerralbo, con repertorio de la época  inspirado en sus viajes por Italia y Turquía | 8 de julio de 2023





Visita y exposición

What's OnMuseo del Romanticismo

Visita-temática sobre el teatro en el Romanticismo
Exposición: Una obra, una ópera.  
Exposición del busto o la estampa de Rossini que forman parte de la colección del museo






Exposición de trajes de concierto de Teresa Berganza

What's OnTeatro Real

Exposición con nueve trajes de concierto de Teresa Berganza, que recordarán a la gran mezzosoprano en el primer aniversario de su fallecimiento.

Comisario Román Padín

31 de mayo – 31 de octubre 






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